Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Cal Chuchesta - The New CALassic: MIXTAPE REVIEW

Listen here (since it's not on Spotify)

Most mindblowing fact of the week? It's only been six days since The New CALassic landed on Audiomack, making waves all across the Internet. It feels like it's been weeks since it's dropped, but that might be due to the fact that I've been listening to it as much in six days as I listen to a normal album in a couple weeks. And it's a good thing I've been giving it so many listens because, man... this is so. freaking. dense. I wouldn't be able to do it justice if I was to review it, oh I don't know, the day after it came out. I don't know who that Anthony Fantano thinks he is, but can you get more presumptuous?

So, if you read my track review of "I Am Angry," you'd probably think this album was a shoo-in to be a 10/10. And, yes, I am enjoying this mixtape more than I ever thought it was possible to enjoy a mixtape and it definitely delivered on all the hype, but... I don't know, I was looking a little more into the background behind this mixtape, and I guess I'm a little concerned. I mean, it's basically public knowledge that originally Cal sold his soul to The Damon to have this mixtape released, and, yes, Cal was brought back from Hell by the power of smooth jazz courtesy of Creationist Cat, but has nobody stopped to ask what became of that demonic record deal? Isn't it abundantly clear that Cal is still being backed and hyped up by The Damon? I mean, how else on earth could he get signed by literally every record label in the world?

So, I don't really know how I feel morally about enjoying and endorsing an album that came about because of a deal with The Damon. People are throwing around terms like AOTY and BNM without stopping to think about the example Cal is setting for every young, up-and-coming MC who will think "If Cal could get signed to literally every record label in the world and drop such a fire mixtape out of nowhere by signing his soul to The Damon, why can't I??" Basically, I'm expecting to see major ramifications in the music industry generally and the hip hop community specifically because of this.

However, as a reviewer, I owe it to the artist and to fans to be as objective as possible and realize that all of that is context. So, for the rest of this review, I'm going to focus on the actual music and whether or not it is of quality.

The simple answer is, ohmyfreakinggosh yes. This is some of the highest quality hip hop you will hear this year. That is... when it's just Cal rapping. Due to the fact that Cal is such a brand spanking new MC, none of the features on this mixtape are worth listening to. Cal is reported to have "scored" these features through his roommate, Anthony Fantano's, social media connections. That's why we have such awful intros and verses as those provided by youaintpackinmeat, 3Pac, Filthy Frank, and Pink Guy. In regards to the latter two, their spots are on "Cocoa," one of the most wildly successful singles leading up to the release of The New CALassic. However, on the single version, they were absent, and now that they're here... They completely defecate on Cal's trademark G-rated, kid-friendly raps. Not only are their verses awkward and unenjoyable, but they're unnecessarily vulgar. It's so bad that I really just listen to the "bonus track," original single version of "Cocoa."

Thing is, Cal is just so charismatic that when he tries to share his throne like this, I'm just begging for him to push the wannabes out of the way and shine. Thankfully, on the majority of the album he does that. New CALassic kicks off with the banger "hot dinner" (shout out to Jahil Beats for the fantastic production). This track sets the tone for what makes the rest of the mixtape great: sleek references, non-stop supah hot lyrical fire, Cal's voice, Cal's raps, Cal's bars, and the brilliant idea to have Cal converse back and forth with his hypeman (who is also himself). We see them on this track and throughout discussing such things as Nicholas Cage movies, the direction of the song (in the middle of the track, like on "parody" where they stop the beat and go into a Drake-influenced R&B break) and the emotional journey Cal goes on throughout the album.

Yes, in addition to being a tape packed with hit single after hit single, this is also a concept album! Cal begins the journey cocky and on top of his game, but as the music continues, he confronts tragedies such as romantic rejection ("be my bae bae") and betrayal by his friends ("cal the best freestyle"). This leads to the eventual emotional climax of "i am angry," where Cal is literally exploding with anger, easily the most moving piece of art I have experienced this year. However, just as Cal is reaching the zenith of his righteous indignation, he folds and realizes he is nothing without those around him, his friends, who have gotten him this far. In a move of brilliance and benevolence, the closing track "i need my friends" finds Cal finding solace and stability in the ever-changing hip hop community.

This mixtape has been likened by many in several ways to To Pimp A Butterfly (which is probably The New CALassic's biggest contender for AOTY) and for good reason. Personal journeys of self discovery, extreme emotional dynamics, unbelievable narrative continuity, and incredible verses characterize both of these albums, but what separates this mixtape from Kendrick Lamar's opus (and what silence's haters who say Cal is ripping Kendrick off) is that, of course, this is Cal's debut effort.
I mean, that is just unheard of. Someone this new and this white rising to such a level of creativity right out of the gate.

I've barely been able to touch down on the sick production or individual lines that stopped me dead. So here's some of my favorites:

"How can I keep it kosher but go H.A.M. though?"
"Rappers don't ride bikes cause they can't handle bars."
"I'm an empirical lyrical miracle, I'm the hysterical spiritual spherical of miracle miracle miracle miracle miracle spherical miracle lyrical theorical" "Lalalalanonononobababababaneaneaneaneaneaneanea"
"Yeah yeah oh girl, be my girl, oh girl, you're my girl"

Of course, there's a lot more, but I'll let you discover those for yourself as you dive into this absolute musical treat. There's so much that could be said about this mixtape, and I can only have your attention for so long. Really, I think Cal's record executive, Mr. Doodyhead, sums it all up perfectly on "doody's second message": "Kanye West, Eminem, Drake... Talentless fools, as far as I'm concerned! You, Cal, you're the future."

OVERALL SCORE: 99/9.9/9/.9
Cal Chuchesta – The New CALassic
2.hot dinner
3.i was throwin up on a tuesday
4.cocoa (remix)
5.doody's first message
7.be my bae bae
8.sad boy
9.doody's second message
10.friend from the apple store
11.og radio interview
12.cal the best (freestyle)
13.i am angry
14.i need my friends
15.cocoa *BONUS TRACK*
16.cocoa (nmesh's whack cal zone remix) *BONUS TRACK*
Holy. Crap. You must hear this song. One of the best of the year.
I'm so glad I have ears so that I can listen to this wonderful song.
Yeah, it's passable. Contributes to the vibe of the album, but not anything to write home about.
Ehh very mediocre or seriously flawed, there's a lot better music out there, or even on this album.
Good gravy, why must this song exist? One of the worst things that will enter your ears this year.

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